Signs You're Ready for a Lifestyle Change

Has your lifestyle started to feel a little predictable? 

Whether you’re experiencing a repetitive daily routine or you’re missing a spark of joy, it might be time to make a lasting lifestyle change. With the right lifestyle changes, you can bring the light back into your daily life and really start living.

You might be asking yourself, is it time for a lifestyle change? In this article, we cover the top 10 signs you’re ready for a lasting lifestyle change and what you can do to get started.

1. Low Energy and Fatigue

If you’re experiencing low energy levels and fatigue on a regular basis, it might be time to make a change or two. Your energy levels can be connected to a range of factors in your life, from sleep patterns and diet, to stress levels, certain health conditions and overall health.

Your first step toward boosting energy levels and battling constant fatigue is to meet with a healthcare professional, starting with your doctor, dietician, nutritionist, or a naturopath.

These health professionals can work closely with you to assess your overall health and help you take the first steps toward boosting your energy levels. This may include lifestyle changes such as drinking more water, eating healthier, moving your body daily, taking vitamins, or creating an effective bedtime routine.

With a little trial-and-error and guidance from your support system, you’ll be feeling energized and motivated in no time!

2. Lack of Emotion

Lack of emotion and a feeling of numbness is more common than you might think. If your lifestyle is feeling mundane, repetitive and without joy, it’s only natural that a lack of emotion would follow.

To enjoy more laughter, carefree experiences and joy in your life, try the following lifestyle changes:

  • Try new things and find a hobby you enjoy

  • Take time away from work to travel, rest and experience your surroundings

  • Spend more time outdoors and in nature

  • Speak with a therapist or mental health professional regularly

  • Engage in daily forms of self-care and relaxation

It’s important to remember that change takes time. Your feelings and emotions are unlikely to change or improve after a day or two of making certain lifestyle changes. We recommend taking things slow and being kind to yourself, as you adjust to a new environment or way of life.

3. Minimal Self-Care and Improvement

Your mental, physical and emotional health should always be a top priority.

One of the best ways to nurture your body, inside and out, is through regular self-care. If your self-care routine is scarce or non-existent, this is a clear-cut sign that it might be time for a lifestyle change. Especially if self-improvement isn’t on your radar. Believe it or not, self-improvement initiatives are a surprisingly effective form of self-care for many.

If you’re looking to place more focus on self-care and improvement, here are some things that you can do to get started:

  • Take 10-30 minutes each day to focus on yourself

  • Go for a walk every day to move your body

  • Engage in a relaxing activity, such as reading a book

  • Learn a new skill, such as gardening or a new language

  • Prioritize your health with a well-balanced diet

How self-care benefits you and how you participate is completely dependent on what works best for your lifestyle. While self-care can look different from person to person, taking time on a regular basis to focus on just yourself is an amazing way to get started.

4. You’re Not Happy Romantically

The state of your romantic relationship can absolutely have an impact on your happiness, stress and overall lifestyle. If your relationship is experiencing toxicity, negativity or unhealthy conflict, a change is most definitely needed.

The changes made to help improve this area of your life are completely dependent on the situation at hand. Some may work through conflict as a couple, while others may seek assistance from a professional to help resolve disputes and take the first steps toward a healthier relationship.

For many, the health and quality of a romantic relationship can provide a foundation for other aspects of their life. To help set a standard and create a strong foundation for your overall lifestyle, take time to assess your relationship and make changes for a brighter future.

5. You’re “Just Surviving”


While most of us have experienced the feeling of being burnt out at one point in our lives, it isn’t healthy or sustainable to feel like that for a prolonged period of time. If you feel like you’re just surviving one day at a time, we cannot recommend a lifestyle change enough.

The first step is to sit down and determine why you’re feeling so burnt out. This could be related to stress in your life, unhealthy choices, poor sleep patterns, an underlying health condition, mental health issues, or simply a lack of energy.

Once you have a better idea of the source, you can make a plan to change certain aspects of your lifestyle or seek assistance from a professional who can guide you, such as a physician, therapist or life coach.

6. Reminiscing About the Past

If you find yourself fantasizing about the past or reliving the “good old days”, it might be time to make a change in your life.

Whether you’re adjusting to parenthood, experiencing a rut in your relationship or are dissatisfied with your career, making a series of changes can help you to live a happier lifestyle and stop comparing your present to the past.

7. Lack of Motivation

Motivation is key to living the life you want and deserve.

We all have dreams, aspirations and goals, which can be used as your source of motivation. You should always strive to improve yourself and your lifestyle, or work towards maintaining a life that you love.

Your lack of motivation can have a negative effect on many areas of your life, from maintaining a functioning household to the quality of your health and wellness. 

If you have little to no motivation to improve your quality of life, there are a few lifestyle changes that you can make, depending on what your lack of motivation is connected to. A common source of low motivation is your surroundings. By creating an environment that is positive and healthy, you can set yourself up for success.

Other lifestyle changes that you can make to boost your motivation could include commiting to a healthier diet, prioritizing sleep patterns or surrounding yourself with a genuine support system.

Change Your Life with Ali Cocco

It’s time to start living the life you deserve. To help you align your goals and create a plan for lasting success, a professional life coach can provide you with an exceptional asset and refreshed approach. Not to mention the unlimited support, guidance and care to help keep you on track and motivated along the way.

For more information about executive coaching services, contact Ali Cocco today.


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