reimagine your reinvention

In the last 18 months, I have done a lot of thinking about reinventions. Although admittedly terrifying, I was never averse to the idea. I was able to seperate from the thought that reinvention implies that I was unhappy with who I am, right now.


The truth is that there is an opportunity for reinvention every day. Because I’m changing all the time, anyway. Because it is possible, and super preferable, to love who I am today AND be excited for who I might be tomorrow.


So, why don’t we relax and lean into it and be intentional with the unavoidable act of change … of reinvention? Why don’t we design a better version of ourselves that helps – rather than hinders- us in achieving our goals?


what is reinvention?

"Reinvention" means letting-go of the labels I've attached to myself (and allowed others to attach to me) and preferring instead to be fully present in the moment and with a bias for action.

Choosing not to focus on WHAT I need to DO, but WHO I need to BE. 

Choosing to understand the word “authenticity” to mean “authorship” of my life. To use life, like an energy source. Not to have life use me, like an energy drain.

5 thoughts to inspire you towards reinvention:

live from the inside-out

Many people hold the thought of "life" as somehow outside of themselves, happening to them.

That is: to be at effect; not at cause.

In reinventing myself: I want to reverse that relationship and come at life, from the inside out. Life is inside me, shining out - not outside, pushing in. Life is an energy source - not an energy drain. Life is amazing !. Life doesn't use me - I use life.

Try asking yourself "What do I intend to use my life for, today?"


the cult of personality

We all spend time thinking  "Who am I, really ?" So, it's little surprise so many of us collect and proudly hold on to labels and patterns that give us a greater sense of permanence and individuality --- “personality”. 

But the truth is: that's no more "who we are" than any other of our inventions. And the permanence that we naturally want to keep going (and spend way too much effort maintaining those labels & patterns ) is actually holding us back.

"I’m not smart enough " ,"I'm a control freak.", “ There is no way I can pull that off.", “ I’m way too old." They are all just passing thoughts. So, let go of those labels and patterns. Simple as that.

To reinvent yourself: I want to focus less on personality and more on purpose. Have those passing thoughts in the moment be not for personality, but for purpose. And if "purpose" is unhelpful, focus instead on how you create a difference. Because that's what purpose is.

We make ourselves up as we go along. So, no need to let your un-true permanent personality hold you back

Words Matter

Language is critically important. It has a strong influence on our internal working model of the world - and the beliefs that underpin that model. If we allow our language to become full of obligation and reaction and pessimism, it wears us down. Drains our energy.

For reinvention: I want to use the language of ownership and intention by dropping the "should's" and "ought's" and "have to's". And instead, adopting "choose to". Language that takes me back to responsibility and ownership.

Start your sentences with “ I choose to …”

Stop reacting. Start creating.

One of the most effective ways to take charge of your future is to move from reaction to creation. It's the key distinction between Victim and Ownership Here's how it works:

A Victim will REACT to circumstance. They will have you believe that the circumstance caused them to feel or behave in a certain way. Ownership will look at the circumstance as a neutral event, having no meaning until they themselves ascribe it a meaning. And from there, they choose to CREATE.

To drive my reinvention project forward: in any moment and in response to every given situation, I want to choose to CREATE. And I do that by building the habit of continually stepping-back, taking a breath and noticing: "Am I using my mind for creating or for reacting?"

When I create that powerful shift from reacting and creating, I am automatically operating at a higher level of energy and consciousness, where imagination, innovation and - of course! - creativity are mine to access.

Chill for a moment & ask: "Am I reacting or creating?"



Commitment = Decision.

Let's imagine I'm your coach and you're my client. And I suggest a next session date which is during your upcoming vacation. Of course, you say: "I can't make that. I'll be in Cayman ."

How do you know? How do you know for sure you'll be on vacation? Yes, you’ve bought the tickets. But perhaps you'll miss the flight. Perhaps you'll oversleep. Perhaps there'll be traffic on the way to the airport. Or any other of a raft of possible reasons.

But notice how you talk about your vacation "No, I'll be there. However it happens, I'll be there." That's the language of commitment. Like it's done. It's DECIDED. You've put the idea of vacation into the committed area of your brain and it's happening.

Take your reinvention project and move it into that committed part of your brain where it's decided. COMMITMENT= DECISION

If this resonates with you at all, reach out & book some time with me.

We can connect, create a converation & see where to go from there.

Chat soon!

x ali



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